Tuesday, April 01, 2008

small world

telescope peak and me
Terry Lawhon got in touch with me after seeing one of the shots I took at Badwater, on my birthday. He thought he recognised the cloud shapes from one of his shots! Turns out he was also out there that morning and took a shot of a photographer that was far off in the distance out on the Badwater salt flats. So that's me, above, in Terry's shot, shooting on my birthday and taking this picture, which has the same cloud form in it that Terry was also shooting.
I've never met Terry, we only found out about this conflux of location when he read my blog. Also Terry mentioned it was his birthday a few days earlier. Thanks to Terry for sending me the shot and also letting me share it here. You can see more of Terry's images from Death Valley at his website in the portfolio section. Small world.


mcoker said...

Wow, that's an awesome story!