Squeezed in another couple of shoots today for my project. Now have 76 final selects for the book. Slowly realising that that's quite a lot of images to finish. Still got several prime candidates in mind to contribute to the book too. Spent some time this evening working through Adobe InDesign CS3 Classroom in a Book to learn the basics of InDesign operation. Seems quite similar to the rest of the Creative Suite tools and whole lot less painful than I remember FrameMaker being, which is a good sign. Also found a set of InDesign templates for the various books. I plan on using one of these for the layout of my SoFoBoMo book so that I can potentially target a final hard copy via Just downloaded those and will dive in to working out a template and page design soon. Also useful is this detail on the full bleed page and cover sizes for blurb books. After a bit of a play around I've released that I know how technically to put the book together, I've got no idea whatsoever on how to design a book, or even really what a book looks like. Any suggestions ? I might just resort to copying elements from books I already have and like. Mark Hobson's post has some useful pointers.
Wow, thank you for that resource! My great aspiration is to design the book in InDesign and submit that to a publisher. With other personal photo book ideas, I've wanted to do that, so if I can squeeze that into this project as well, so much the better!
Thanks for motivating me to SoFoBoMo. I've got 18 subject leads. If only half of them pan out, I've still got a book!
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