Monday, March 30, 2009

sofobomo book ideas

Big Bend

In early May Amanda and I are hoping to head out to Big Bend national park for a week. I think that'll be the subject for my SoFoBoMo book. Possible titles:

Round the Bend

A West Texas road trip

There and back again

Driving Amanda around the Bend

A mix of landscapes, road side curios, travelogue and trip report. Amanda mentioned she was glad it wasn't another Amanda-focused project. I might even try and get a guest author to write the accompanying essay...


Unknown said...

There's a very nice novel by Nevil Shute titled 'Round the Bend'.

Worth a read if you can get your hands on a copy. Your library is probably your best bet - it's not exactly a recent publication, so it's out of print I'm sure.

Anita Jesse said...

This sounds like a wonderful project. While I never made it to the park, from what I have heard and photos I have seen it should provide plenty of fascinating locations. I'm looking forward to the results.

Ted said...

Why... why... it's the Star Of Gordon! Zowie!