Sunday, February 24, 2008



More portraits with the nose, but this time with some fill flash. Mike was kind enough to be my mobile light stand for this shot, trying to fill the shadows a bit against the direct sunlight. Colour is processed a bit to pull up the greens, balancing against that big old red nose. Originally she had a black top over the green, but seeing the potential to play it off against the red, we switched things around. Not a whole lot of green but just enough on the edges to frame and play against the red. Something I've been playing with is to ask people to focus behind the camera, through the lens. Typically if you ask someone to look at the lens - they literally do that - focusing their gaze right on the end of the camera. Asking them to try to look through the lens and focus around where my head is seems to make a subtle shift in where they are looking - it seems to be much more directly at the viewer. Probably something to do with viewing distance of the portraits I suspect. From my brief foray at the opticians, I know your eyes tend to move further apart as you focus on distant objects, so maybe we can pick up that subtle shift in the pictures.