Wednesday, November 12, 2008

touching strangers

image by Richard Renaldi

This is a fascinating project to me. Go take a look before you read any more. Trust me, it makes a difference.

Richard takes photographs of strangers, posed with other strangers to them and the photographer. The body language is strangely odd, more so even when you understand the relationship (or lack there of) between the subjects in each image. Joel Colberg has a great interview with Richard here, for Conscientious.

Having done a bit of street portraiture myself, I'm impressed by the courage shown to start this project. I wonder if the mystique of using a view camera helps to get the subjects involved, in this digital age. Great work.


forkboy said...

That is a very interesting idea. It clearly made my heart-rate bump up a notch.

But I am way too much the coward to try something like that myself. Must be the accountant in me....